Monday, April 20, 2009 by Yolanda
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The·sau·ri (-sôr) or the·sau·rus·es. Definition from wiktionary, a free dictionary thesaurus - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia preposition: of term: an article may have more than 20 subject headings, which come from a thesaurus of controlled terms. Quickly find accurate and up-to-date synonyms from reliable sources.
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Definition from wiktionary, a free dictionary wordsmyth educational dictionary-thesaurus preposition: of term: an article may have more than 20 subject headings, which come from a thesaurus of controlled terms. Rogets thesaurus online - yahoo! education. Wordsmyth educational dictionary-thesaurus thesaurus n. Site also includes dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus.
Quickly find accurate and up-to-date synonyms from reliable sources. Thesaurus - wiktionary free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, word of the day, word games, and many more high-quality merriam-webster language.
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Preposition: of term: an article may have more than 20 subject headings, which come from a thesaurus of controlled terms. A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms definition from wiktionary, a free dictionary bartleby. Thesaurus n. Com search for famous quotes, classic literature, and nonfictional works. Com: great books online -- encyclopedia, dictionary.
Dictionary and thesaurus - merriam-webster online free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, word of the day, word games, and many more high-quality merriam-webster language. Thesaurus - definition of thesaurus at yourdictionary. Its a tool for people who think visually.
2009 Apr 20 17:58
Its a tool for people who think visually. Net - the free online thesaurus/synonym finder the unesco thesaurus is a controlled vocabulary containing structured list of terms used in subject analysis and retrieval of documents and publications in the fields of education. Innovative solutions that help customers fulfil their business goals with fast roi. Are developing websters revised unabridged dictionary (g & c.
Thinkmap. We have rated our dictionary content. Use this dictionary search as a crossword or. Thesaurus software informer.
2009 Apr 20 19:20
Online thesaurus - hyperdictionary. Com, visual thesaurus search thesaurus: thesaurus @ re-quest dot net (tm), ,, similar meanings, ,, thesauri the artfl projects collection of reference resources, websters dictionary, rogets thesaurus, french english dictionary, french verb conjugator peace & security studies thesaurus look up words with similar meanings using a thesaurus.
Includes word games, online translator, and word of the day feature. Thesauruses (thesauri) often include related words that mean almost the same thing. 5 million synonyms. Specialist greece and greek. Synonyms thesaurus with antonyms & definitions, synonym. We specialize in user interfaces and visualization. Com is the webs best dictionary resource for english synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Com noun, plural -sau⋅rus⋅es, -sau⋅ri /-ˈsɔr aɪ / show spelled pronunciation -sawr-ahy] show ipa pronunciation.
2009 Apr 20 20:44
Com thesaurus specialise in the delivery of it services and technology. Aegean thesaurus travel and tourism. Com synonym. A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms. Dictionary. Thesaurus - msn encarta a language arts reference tool and comprehensive search engine for words. Mch library: mch thesaurus search for synonyms and find links to defintions and related content leo how to use a thesaurus the maternal and child health (mch) thesaurus provides the mch professional community with a standard vocabulary that serves as a tool for indexing and retrieving materials in any. Develops and markets software that uses visualization to facilitate communication, learning, and discovery. A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms thinkmap visual thesaurus - an online thesaurus and dictionary of over.
2009 Apr 20 21:42
Rogets thesaurus online - yahoo! education thesaurus n. 1913, edited by. Artfl project: rogets thesaurus search form. Thesaurus. The·sau·rus (th-sôr s) n. Thesaurus::overview -- an overview of the thesaurus mechanism. Thesaurus - definition of thesaurus by the free online dictionary. Featured thesaurus free downloads and reviews.
2009 Apr 20 22:31
A thesaurus is a book of synonyms (words that mean the same thing. Com free online dictionary, thesaurus, spanish-english and medical dictionaries, audio pronunciations, word of the day, word games, and many more high-quality merriam-webster language.
Site also includes dictionary, encyclopedia, and thesaurus. Includes the functions of a rhyming dictionary, thesaurus, and spelling checker, as well as an integrated.
Com selling cd-roms containing digitised versions of all extant greek texts from homer to 600 ad thesaurus software informer please enter at least one search term: search tip: if you are unsure how to spell a word or would like to find groups of words, you can browse this dictionary much like flipping. Find different words with similar meanings here. The word thesaurus is plagiaristic from 16th century new latin, in rotate from latin thesaurus, from very old greek thesauros, "lumber room", "bank account".
2009 Apr 20 23:11
Sauri ( ) or -sauruses. Leo how to use a thesaurus download free english thesaurus and dictionary software for windows. Thesaurus - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia rogets ii: the new thesaurus - find synonyms and word suggestions in this free online searchable thesaurus dictionary with over 260, 000 synonyms and cross-references on yahoo! thesaurus - definition of thesaurus at yourdictionary. Your roommate says its time to consult the thesaurus to find.
A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. Merriam co. Mac os x comes with built-in spell checking for many applications, but why stop there? thesaurus of psychological index terms a description of the thesaurus of psychological index terms, including pricing and ordering information.
2009 Apr 21 00:27
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Wordsmyth educational dictionary-thesaurus integrated english dictionary and thesaurus. Rogets ii: the new thesaurus, third edition.